Eight cities, eight journalists, hundreds of experiences: Eight editorial journalists from Germany and from overseas have exchanged their workplaces between September 2010 and April 2011. They got to know the professional routines of the city desk of their host newspapers and report from Berlin, Jakarta, Dortmund, Hanoi, Leipzig, Bangkok, Stuttgart and Mumbai about culture, everyday life and politics.
This year, the Goethe-Institut’s journalists’ exchange project Nahaufnahme (Close-Up) took place for the third time. The launch of the project in 2008, with an exchange of German journalists and colleagues from Islamic countries, was extremely successful.
The partners of Close-Up 2010 are, in Germany, the Berliner Morgenpost, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Stuttgarter Nachrichten and Westfälische Rundschau. Overseas partners are Kom Chad Luek (Bangkok), Tienphong Daily (Hanoi), Kompas (Jakarta) and The Times of India (Mumbai).